IEMT practitioner and integrative hypnotherapist Mia Leijonstedt in Derbyshire, UK

I teach individuals to use their imagination as a focused tool to create solutions, ease and clarity in their life.


I specialise in effective methods that can bring you rapid relief from bad memories, turning overwhelm to calm and confidence.

Book an online IEMT therapy session with Mia Leijonstedt

I’m endlessly curious about how the process of inner transformation leads to outer change, and for decades now, I have explored the creative process as a pathway to such personal transformation.

As a child, drawing, painting and crafty pursuits became central to my learning of how to regulate my mind space in an unstable environment. Selecting and combining material elements to create something beautiful, remains my metaphor for choosing how one creates one’s own life.

My interest in the creativity of the human mind spans from hypnosis to mental space psychology, from metaphors and archetypal symbolism to applied neuroscience. It is a vast field to explore!

One of my main wishes for you is that you experience a sense of agency in your life. I want to encourage people to create a stronger connection with their own inner awareness, which in turn leads to increased emotional flexibility and an ability to deal with the difficulties that life often presents us.

I am inspired by author Bianca Sparacino’s words in her book ‘A Gentle Reminder’:

“The kindest people are not born that way, they are made. They are the ones that have experienced so much at the hands of life, they are the ones who have dug themselves out of the dark, who have fought to turn every loss into a lesson. The kindest people do not just exist – they choose to soften where circumstance has tried to harden them, they choose to believe in goodness, because they have seen firsthand why compassion is so necessary. They have seen firsthand why tenderness is so important in this world.”

Let’s be kind to each other. The world is harsh enough.

Mia’s creative career spans over three decades from degrees in art pedagogy and book arts, to exhibiting her art in galleries worldwide, and managing her natural crystal jewellery brand called Spirit Carrier. She has taught numerous creativity workshops since 1998 in the UK, Finland and the UAE, as well as mentored other artists and those wanting to expand their skills.

Delving further into how the mind works and creates experience, also led Mia to study holistic health and various complementary modalities, including Integral Eye Movement Technique (IEMT), Coherent Breathwork and Mindscaping. She is a certified and insured hypnotherapist, maintaining a keen interest in practical applications of neuroscience to create rapid improvements in people’s lives.

Originally from Finland, Mia moved to the UK in 1993 with the intention of staying for just one year. She now lives in Buxton, Derbyshire, working mainly online with clients getting in touch from different locations around the world.

“You have what it takes. I’ll help you get there.”

IEMT and Hypnotherapy in Buxton or online
Attend sessions via Zoom from wherever you are

Resolve your emotional triggers in just a few sessions, meet me online!

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